Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Last year in Level 1 English we studied a novel called Night by Elie Wiesel. It was an autobiography about Mr. Wiesel's experience with the holocaust and discussed the concentration camps. In class we looked at a number of pictures and videos to get an idea of what Elie would be sharing with us in his book. here are some of the ones I remember the most.

The paintings and drawings explain a little about what Elizabeth and Remy went through at Ravensbruck. The cruelty, humiliation, and horror seen everyday in these camps cannot be comprehended unless experienced first hand but, these pictures allow you to feel what the artist felt as he went through the chaos himself.

I thought of this when I was reading the letter from Remy about Elizabeth’s life in the camp and her death, especially the scene where he walks through the barracks. I can’t imagine Remy going back to Ravensbruck. She couldn’t even be near a dog. Elie went back a long time after the war but, it still must have taken extreme courage and willpower for him to go back to a place where so many were killed and he, being one of few, managed to survive.

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