Tuesday, August 12, 2014


World War II was one of the most deadly, if not the worst, war in world history. Throughout the book, the characters discuss whether or not the war will ever end. Amelia writes to Juliet saying that it is death that goes on, for the living die and the dead stay dead. The war gave the whole planet hardships that were almost unbearable; sending away children to a safer place, watching little boys wither away in gated areas like dogs, and hearing of the deaths of close friends and family. But without the war, Dawsey would have never gotten that book of Juliet’s, she would have never found out about The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and she would’ve never met her closest friends and even her husband. The war provided stories of strength and courage, like Elizabeth’s or Remy’s. The truth is the war will never be forgotten and can never be erased but, there will always be the light of joy and love that shines through the darkness of death and grief.

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